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Just some thoughts...

I have received several emails over the past couple of days and I feel led this morning to respond with some thoughts. I will continue with my story tomorrow...

First of all, it doesn't surprise me but saddens me that so many women are suffering. Ya know, we make it through our tough teen years and then somehow get through the season of being young adults with heartbreak and the pain of growing up that comes with it. Our kids bring joy to our lives (ok, most of the time :) they can also bring their share of heartache...) and we get through the tough times of marriage or perhaps start over due to the heartbreak that marriage can bring. We are stay-at-home moms that get few pats on the back or we are women with careers that we have worked hard to achieve respect in the workplace. Then we reach our 40's. We think...."Ok, now I can breathe easier. The toughest times of life are behind me." We are shocked into a reality that we would never be prepared for. Our bodies are changing (again...) and our minds follow suit. I don't say that to freak out the 30 something's that are reading this. But I gotta tell ya, I wish I would've known then what I know now. Perhaps it wouldn't have taken me so off guard. I wish I would have approached this season of my life with a touch more wisdom. Would the outcome have been any different? Not sure about that. But perhaps yours will be.

There are so many verses that I have clung to during this season of life. "Be still and know that I am God." worth repeating. "Be still and know that I am God." If you are going through a time of depression and/or hormonal imbalance, it becomes very easy to lean on those around you and want them to carry you through this. Fact is, the only one strong enough to carry this for you is Jesus Christ, your Lord, your Savior. Let Him be your Savior. If you can find yourself in the arms of Christ, your focus will change. You won't be able to take your eyes off of His. Please don't misunderstand me here....I'm not saying that by leaning on Christ, it will take the depression away. And I'm certainly not saying that your struggles have anything to do with your spiritual walk. This isn't happening as a result of anything you did to deserve this. It's not a punishment from God. But He alone can give you hope. He will get you through it, though you may feel beat up when it's said and done. There are so many times when you are in the midst of this that you feel abandoned by Him. But He knows you better than anyone else in your life and He will "never leave you nor forsake you." Others will support you in love, no doubt about that. That's the way it should be. As Christian women, we are to be there for each other. And our husbands? They can be the greatest support we could hope for, but the truth is...there is absolutely NO way they can 'get' what's going on. We don't understand it ourselves, how can we expect for the males in our lives to get it? We can't. And fact is, we need to give them the grace not to get it. Do we need grace during this time? Oh boy, probably more than we even know, but we must give it to others during this time as well. If your eyes are fixed on Him then they can't be gazing at other people and what they are or are not doing to make things better for you. There's another one that you must give grace to... yourself. It's a rude awakening to find that you are not the 'strong' woman you used to be. It's hard to look in the mirror and not feel disgusted at the woman you see. Let me say something here, sister. You must give yourself a huge amount of grace and accept who you see staring back at you. Begin to pray that not only others begin to see you through the eyes of Christ, but that you begin to see yourself through His eyes as well. This is an incredibly heavy load to carry. In fact, it's unbearable. Some fall under the weight and don't make it back up. It destroys. But the good news???? There IS victory in this battle! You are not supposed to fail! The Lord has not set you up for failure. He has prepared you for victory. Take it. But few can do it alone. I've never seen anyone fight this battle alone and win. Crawl up into His arms. And then, 'be still and know that He is God." He will send you who you need when you need them. Keep your eyes focused on Him. HE is all you need. You are not alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kim. I needed to hear that this morning...again.