Go to the chapters listed on the left and click on 2010, then click on May and begin with chapter 1 at the bottom of the page and continue upward. All of the chapters for each month's postings will be listed on one page. Then go to the left again and click the next month, etc. to continue with the story, chapter by chapter.

Another thought....

I realized this morning that there is one area that I have not given enough attention to.... that is professional help. I believe that the Lord has given professional counselors and psychiatrists a gift that should be utilized. When my hormone issues began 2 years ago while completing my degree, etc., I sought counseling and was helped so very much in dealing with my issues. However, once I slipped into deep depression while my estrogen levels were dropping so rapidly, I became very stubborn in getting professional help. To be honest, I was afraid to go once I realized just how bad I was. I knew that if they sensed that I was suicidal, they would have me committed. I had just started a new job teaching. I couldn't take that chance. I was wrong in that decision. If you are struggling with depression, please allow others to help you no matter how much 'dignity' you may risk losing. "But what will people think? That I'm crazy??" No, they will think you are humble enough to ask for help. Don't let your pride get in the way. You see where it got me! Just because you are relying on your Lord or on your family, don't allow your emotions to make your decisions for you. You are not in a position for 'wisdom'. Choose someone that you trust and if you don't know of a good counselor, email me and I will give you a couple of names in the OKC area.

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