Go to the chapters listed on the left and click on 2010, then click on May and begin with chapter 1 at the bottom of the page and continue upward. All of the chapters for each month's postings will be listed on one page. Then go to the left again and click the next month, etc. to continue with the story, chapter by chapter.

Chapter 3

Unfortunately, the story doesn't end there. Oh how I wish that it did. What I would give to erase the next year of my life and change it up a bit. But if we are truly dedicated to wanting Christ's perfect will for our lives, then we take what comes our way and give God the glory. Right??? Well, I truly was dedicated to wanting only what Christ had in store for me. In fact, I prayed that prayer consistently..."Lord, do whatever it takes to make me into the woman of Christ you want me to be." Whatever it takes. Just prior to entering 2009, I wrote in my journal:
12/27/08: As I enter a new year, I pray that 2009 will be one of change. Change for me. Change for my family. May my world be forever changed because of what you choose to do in my life in 2009. Unleash your power that my world will be rocked, never to be the same. No more status quo, no more midstream, take us higher, to new levels of intimacy with You. Choose me, Father.
I gotta be honest here. I'm not certain that I could write that with such zeal had I known just what 2009 truly would hold for me and for my family. In fact, I'm not sure I would have written it at all. Just being honest. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Hmmm....
I am one of those that writes in my bible. I love to put dates beside certain scripture that mean something special to me at a certain time in my life. The other day I came across Isaiah 43:1-3 and beside it was a date just prior to what would be the most devastating months of my life and next to the date I wrote, 'He is preparing me for the future'. Indeed.

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